History of TC Poland
The beginnings of „Teen Challenge” go back to the 50s, when Pastor David Willkerson started to work among the youth gangs in the USA. He concluded, that the most dangerous social problem is dependence on toxic agents. More and more drug addicts looked for his help. The story of his ministry on the streets in New York is documented in the book „The Cross and the Switchblade”
In 1962 in Rehresburg, Pennsylvania he opened the first restore center. Since its this program expanded. Now we can found it in the most cities of the United States and in Canada, Australia, Asia and Europe.
„Teen Challenge” Poland is a member of Global Teen Challenge and was established with a one centre in the 1988. The idea of starting the facility emerged in a group of persons related to the Pentecostal Church, which have been confronted with the problems of addiction. Most of the addicts needed a long time therapy with a mental training, physically well and spiritually alive through the transforming power of Jesus. In this time in Poland did not exist a similar type of program, modeled on existing centers in Western Europe, particularly Germany and the Netherlands. Our center staff also had the opportunity to complete their training and in practice.
After many years we have realised, that our care had to grow up. For the first contact with the addicts at the street, in their local neighborhood are responsibility our consultation points and „Coffee Houses”. After the therapy many drug and alcohol addicts need a continue help allowed safe transition from community into society and supports the client to find a work, suitable housing and keeping of healthy habits. This person goes to the re-entry. All these activities and programs created the Association of Christian Social Mission „Teen Challenge”, whose task is the overall care of addicts, from the moment of first contact with them until they return to society.